Robin Metter – Former boarding school Teacher jailed for child abuse
July 5, 2021

A retired headmaster described as a “fox in the chicken coop” has been jailed for indecently assaulting seven boys at a Surrey boarding school in the 80s.

Robin Metters, 71, would call boys as young as eight up to his desk as he marked their homework and grope them in front of the class at Scaitcliffe School in Egham. The school merged with another and is now known as Bishopsgate School.

One of the victims reported the indecent assault to police in 2004 and Metters was interviewed but not charged.

He was interviewed again in 2015 after three more men came forward, but was not charged until January this year after another three victims came forward, bringing the total number to seven.

Metters, from Hampshire, admitted seven counts of indecent assault and was jailed for two years and eight months. He will have to sign the Sex Offender Register for life.

If you have been subject to abuse at the hands of Robin Metter, please contact us to discuss a claim for compensation via or telephone on 02393552153

Tracy Hunns-Clarke

Tracy Hunns-Clarke

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