Graham Tattersall – former PE teacher jailed for sexual assaults on female pupils at Garth Hill School
November 9, 2020

A “remorseless” PE teacher has been jailed for a string of sex attacks against female pupils at his school.

Graham Tattersall, 68, abused the girls when he worked at Garth Hill School in Bracknell, between 1979 and 1991.

A Reading Crown Court trial last month convicted him of an attempted rape, seven counts of indecent assault and four counts of indecency with a child.

Jailing Tattersall, from Windsor, for 12 years, Recorder Ryder QC said he had “exploited his position selfishly”.

The allegations against the PE and maths teacher came to light after a woman contacted police in 2017 alleging Tattersall raped her in a cupboard after she had been asked to put some sports equipment away. He was cleared of rape, but found guilty of attempted rape in relation to that accusation.

He also sexually assaulted her on multiple occasions in the cupboard and at his home, his trial heard.

A number of other women came forward with allegations following a police appeal.

The court heard Tattersall was accused of undoing the bra straps of two pupils during gym lessons, and groping another as she lay on the floor after injuring herself.

‘Selfish and shameless’

He was also accused of putting his hand up the skirt of a girl at a school disco, and kissing two girls on the mouth.

Tattersall told the court his accusers had “embellished stories” and “made things up”.

Passing sentence, the judge said Tattersall had “exploited his position selfishly and shamelessly”.

“It is evident you have shown no regret or remorse, and care no more about your victims now than you did then,” he told Tattersall.

The school has since changed its name to Garth Hill College.

If you would like to discuss your experiences whilst a pupil at Garth Hill School, we would be happy to listen and discuss on a strictly confidential basis.

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