The Lambeth Children's Homes Redress Scheme
For those who were abused/feared abuse while in Lambeth's care


The Lambeth Redress Scheme pays compensation to individuals who were abused or lived in fear of being abused while in Lambeth’s care as children. The scheme is for those who lived in or visited a Lambeth children’s home (including those at Shirley Oaks) or attended Shirley Oaks Primary School.

Harm’s Way Payment

The Harm’s Way Payment is a payment of between £1,000 and £10,000.

You can apply if you lived in fear of being abused, neglected or suffering cruelty while living in a Lambeth children’s home (including Shirley Oaks).

The amount of payment depends on how long you lived at the children’s home.

If you lived in one of the four homes for children with disabilities, you will get a Harm’s Way payment of £10,000 no matter how long you spent there.

Individual Redress Payment

The Individual Redress Payment is a payment of up to £125,000.

You can apply if you suffered abuse or psychological injury as a child while you lived in or visited a Lambeth children’s home (including those at Shirley Oaks) or attended Shirley Oaks Primary School

The amount of payment depends on on a number of factors and we have specialist expertise in valuations under the scheme tariffs.

Non-Financial Redress

Those who make applications are also able to obtain non-financial redress including an apology, counselling, a meeting with a councillor or other advice.


We have pledged to all those who were subject to abuse and who are eligible for the scheme that we will NOT deduct any monies from compensation. You do not need to pay us for our legal services – We limit our fees to those that we are able to recover from Lambeth and will not ever ask you to pay anything.

Latest News

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