
IICSA Report – Child sexual abuse in healthcare contexts

The Truth Project is a core part of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (‘the Inquiry’) alongside Public Hearings and Research. It was set up to hear and learn from the experiences of victims and survivors of child sexual abuse in England and Wales. It...

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Abuse Redress Schemes – what exactly are they?

Abuse Redress schemes are an alternative to litigation and can be used to provide justice to a large number of individuals. However, how effective are they in practice? How can they be administered and do they provide the same outcome as litigation? Redress Schemes...

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Abuse in Gymnastics – Independent Inquiry Announced

British Gymnastics has announced an independent inquiry into “shocking and upsetting” allegations of serious physical and emotional abuse made by multiple elite athletes, including fresh claims of fat-shaming by one London 2012 Olympian.Francesca Fox, who competed as...

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