Lambeth Redress Scheme

Government announce plans to set up abuse redress scheme

And 'plans' they are...Where is the timeline? The proposed structure? The initial draft? IICA spent 7 years and spoke to over 7000 survivors of abuse in order to enable the Government to put in place a clear and concise approach affording survivors justice and...

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Children in the care of Lambeth Council – IICSA Report

The investigation examined the scale and nature of the sexual abuse experienced by children in the care of Lambeth Council over several decades since the 1960s, and the extent of any institutional failures to protect children in care from sexual abuse and...

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Abuse Redress Schemes – what exactly are they?

Abuse Redress schemes are an alternative to litigation and can be used to provide justice to a large number of individuals. However, how effective are they in practice? How can they be administered and do they provide the same outcome as litigation? Redress Schemes...

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